Winter Skincare

As the air gets cooler and the holiday season approaches, your daily skin care routine demands a few changes. Here is a quick summary of what your regimen should look like, from our Medical Director, Dr Sonam Yadav.


DR SONAM YADAV says: " In the morning I recommend a creamy non foaming cleansing routine. Followed by a vitamin C serum, light moisturizing lotion and sunscreen. This helps fight the dryness and pollution in the air and keeps skin fresh and hydrated. Use creamy than powdery make up.

For the evening I recommend a slightly exfoliating double cleansing routine; with make up remover/balm followed by alpha and beta hydroxy acids in cleansers and pads. Follow this with a heavy moisturizer as mask with some antioxidant cream or retinoid that can soak in through the night.

In winter the air is cold and dry (less humid) thus water from the skin is lost to the environment much more than the rest of the year. These products help to seal the skin barrier and reduce this loss, while using a humidifer indoors creates favourable air. Consume warm herbal teas and limit intake of coffee and alcohol to 1-2 drinks as the latter dehydrate your already dry skin. "