We now offer PAINLESS PRP Micro Needling + LED at JUVERNE. Our new method of GROWTH FACTOR concentrate therapy gives faster better results with annual PRP treatment to stimulate & support hair recovery and activate hair follicles.
platelet rich plasma
GROWTH FACTORS stimulate the healing process.
PRP is a concentrate of platelets in plasma, considered to be a rich source of autologous growth factors & proteins. Growth factors are hormones stored & released from the platelets on spinning in a lab centrifuge system. These signaling molecules get concentrated by the PRP preparation method. When administered in treatments this plasma derived concentrate stimulates healing, appear to enhance the formation of new tissue elements & increase circulation to the hair follicles and stimulate their growth. Hair regrowth is a slow and steady process, results may be visible in 12 weeks or longer.
world class US FDA approved PRP system
Our standardized system gives a large volume high quality concentrated acellular PRP or APRP. Blood draw, spinning and injection are done in clinic. Numbing cream is used to make the procedure comfortable. PRP has been used extensively in orthopedics, sports medicine and surgery. Aesthetic use of PRP includes the treatment of hair thinning and baldness as well as skin rejuvenation, treatment of scars and stretch marks, as well as thickening of the eyebrows or beard.
hair growth cycle
It is normal to lose about 60, even up to 100 strands of hair each day.
About 90% of your hair is growing & 10% resting at any given time. Hair grows in cycles of 2 to 6 years, a centimeter / month / cycle. After 2-3 months the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.
causes of hair loss
IDENTIFYING & ADDRESSING cause(s) of hair loss is key to a good treatment result.
We adopt a systematic approach. Clinical examination & detailed history may be supplemented with blood tests to confirm the diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan.
Treatment plans are formulated to address individual needs and multiple factors that are leading to decline in hair quality and/or increase in hair loss or baldness.
treating hair loss
Treatment may be added to stop, limit and reverse hair loss. It aims to improve hair quality and aid growth.
MEDICATION and supplements may be prescribed to be taken orally or to apply. INJECTABLES: We usually advise patients to have 3-4 monthly PRP sessions in one year, with annual top ups. Steroid Injections may be needed for Alopecia Areata. Botox and Fillers may be done for the scalp and hairline reshaping. Micro Needling with Meso Therapy Cocktails can be done for improving hair quality.
PRP can also be used to achieve thicker and fuller eyebrows / beard.
In male-pattern baldness, receding hairline or thinning over the crown & in alopecia in women, platelet derived growth factors may stimulate the dormant shrunken hair follicles - even though the exact mechanism is not fully understood. Most patients need three sessions in a year followed by annual top ups to boost hair growth.
Laser Hair Reduction is the only method to effectively treat these. More on Ingrown Hair, Razor Bumps and Laser Hair Reduction, here. Oily skin, dandruff & acne can sometimes occur together. Learn more about acne and hormone imbalance. For consultations online / in person for scalp and hair related problems call our team.