Bridal Skincare


Juverne founder Dr Sonam Yadav was featured in the Bridal Special edit of Hello Magazine. Read here: 

The Delhi-based skincare specialist talks to HELLO! on prepping beautiful bridal skin for the Indian bride of today.

Tell us about your skin care mantras…“Beauty is abstract, subjective and individual. But, the ingredients for beautiful skin are invariably the same… simple powerful self-care routines, unprocessed nourishing food, mental fortitude, sound sleep and physical activity. I believe in combining simplistic daily skin care (anti-oxidants, hydration, sun protection) with powerful clinical treatments. Aesthetic technology is more sophisticated, comfortable and more accessible than ever, and clinical treatments are effective at a deeper level for boosting cellular rejuvenation, which even the finest topical products simply cannot achieve.”

You’ve worked on a variety of Indian faces… any notable stories you can relate on the same? “We are blessed to have beautiful diversity in skin types, colour and facial structure in India. But what every person wants is to feel better, even more than just looking better. We strive to help patients rediscover and love themselves. While we work on many famous faces, we receive many referrals for tough cases from smaller towns. We were able to make an impact with a single session for one such gutsy entrepreneur with severe, resistant melasma to restore her confidence (and faith in medical interventions). A happy memory.”

Which are the beauty must-haves you can’t live without? “My number one is sleep (power naps count). I absolutely love the facial sculpting tools we have in clinic (one session every six months is all I need and find time for). On a daily basis, sunscreen in the morning, retinoids at night and dense nutrient rich snacks at my work desk. Also, laser hair reduction is life altering!”

The best beauty lesson you’ve learnt on your journey so far... “I’ve learnt to listen to my skin, and tweak my daily routine based on how it’s behaving; and to make time to unwind and decompress - mental wellness is critical for good skin. I spend much time informing patients about their skin type and conditions to enable them to do the same and care for themselves better. Beauty is a spectrum, not a fixed goal post. When you learn to cherish yourself, on good days and bad, you are powerful and beautiful.”

A luxury indulgence…“The biggest luxury is time. Every few months I clear out my calendar for a day and get a medical facial, pampered by my excellent team; then take myself out to a languorous lunch – a delicious and cheeky indulgence. High quality daily serums are worth splurging on; my favorite is always vitamin C.”

A beauty icon for all seasons? “I love a woman who is elegant but unafraid to speak her mind, who is well groomed but not fussed over. Lovely, without trying too hard. I find such strong amazing women to be in every industry today and that excites me. To me iconic beauty is in powerful, quiet grace. I find the women in my family very beautiful.”

Walk us through some of the essential routines for brides to follow for a bridal glow on their ‘Big Day’... “A doctor can help you put a daily routine in place: the key ingredients are cleansing, anti-oxidants, hydration, sunscreen and exfoliation. Supplements should include fish oil and vitamin C. Having a plan for treatment of any skin concerns and budgeting for aesthetic ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ will help you feel better prepared and relaxed. Stress can trigger acne and exacerbate dormant hormone imbalance! Don’t compromise on sleep and exercise. Up your water and green tea intake to reduce bloat.”

Beauty tips and tricks for the busy, stressed-out bride…“The best skin routine is one you can stick to. Don’t use home remedies and stuff your friends think worked for them. Trust the professionals: between your dermarologist and your make-up artist, pretty much any flaw can be corrected or masked even at the eleventh hour. There are last minute fixes for almost any skin emergency… cortisone shots for acne, filler for open pores, quickie laser hair removal etc.”

The biggest skincare faux pas brides make? “Waiting too long before seeking advice. Trying to hide acne under layers of make-up but not treating it. Concerns like acne scarring or hair thinning are easily resolved but do need some time. It’s best to have a doctor draw up a treatment plan before you know your wedding date, even if you later choose to delay or forego skin treatments.”

The best way to maintain your beautiful glow, post-wedding is…“To watch what you’re eating (balance rich meals with fibre rich salads and smoothies) and have a pared down version of your skin routine, that is easy to follow even when busy.”

What’s next? “I’m consumed by the idea of making beauty effortless and accessible to the busy modern individual. We’re developing new treatment systems for clinical use as well as home care, that deliver results quickly, with minimal fuss. At home, I’m enjoying motherhood, every day discovering new sides to my son’s personality and through him, my own. A blessed life.”