On Your Knees

The knees don't get enough skin care attention on a daily basis. However summer means they're exposed and can make you self conscious. Here's how you easily fix this and groom the knee region:

1. Pigmentation

Repeated friction during work and play causes darkening of the knees, in children and may persist in adulthood. Dietary deficiency can further worsen this. Skin lightening home care and chemical peels help. Medical grade skin care helps faster & more consistently than home remedies.

2. Scars And Keloids

Old injuries can leave scars which can be treated with clinical treatments. Our award winning USFDA approved microneedling RF in combination with my favorite European formulae for scars help fade these rapidly. Coverage with tint/tattooing in matching tone helps hide any remnants. 

3. Wrinkles (aka Kninkles In HollyWood)

The skin over the legs also sags with age and with fluctuations in weight. This appearance of wrinkled saggy knees can be fixed in a single session without needles by treating with our award winning ultrasound lift. Further contouring can continue with milder radio frequency care.

4. Unwanted Fatty Bulges

The bulges above and next to the knees can make your legs appear heavy and make women conscious when wearing dresses. The thighs and knees can be toned with our non surgical contouring options. Fat freezing and dissolving injections remove stubborn pockets for life.

5. Stretch Marks

Stretching of skin as you're growing taller, bigger, slimmer through childhood and adulthood can cause the appearance of stretch marks. Bluish red when new and silvery white as they get older, stretch marks on the backs of knees are common. Luckily these can be fixed with a series of effective clinical treatments. Talk to us.

6. Spider Veins 

Pregnancy and hormone changes, age and sun exposure can cause large blue veins (varicosities) or finer small blue and red vessels (spider veins) to appear in this area. These can be treated with lasers.

7. Cellulite And Dimpling

Dimples are cute on the cheeks. If your thighs, butt and knees show signs of dimpling this is more likely to be cellulite. Treatments targeting toning and breaking the uneven collagen bands here will help. Massages, exercise, steam and oils/lotions with caffeine and centella help temporarily.

8. Bulging Muscles In The Calves  

While one admires the muscular calves of athletes, overtly large calves can be distracting especially to a woman. Luckily semi annual Botox will fix this problem.

9. Unwanted Hair  

Laser hair reduction is a painless, fast and low cost option to remove all unwanted hair from the face and body. Speak To Our team for summer special deals and details. 

10. Skin Disease:

The skin around the knees is often dry and whitish, which moisturizing well fixes. Eczema, Psoriasis, Lichen Planus and other skin diseases do impact the knees more as do viral itchy rashes and blistering disorders. Such problems will need to be looked at and treated by the doctor.

Have more questions? Speak with our team by calling 09910912141 or 011-41002943. 


Skin lightening with medicated products  


Knees tightened with EndyMed 3 Deep RF


Cellulite Reduction With EndyMed 3 Deep


Ultrasound Sculpting Around The Knees


Ultrasound to sculpt unwanted fatty bulge


Radio Frequency to reduce bumpy cellulite


Botox to fix muscular calves in a female


Calf Reduction With Botox Injections


Chemical Peels To Fade Knee Darkening


Skin tightening using microneedling RF


Cellulite Reduction With Microneedling RF


Scar fading creams work over months 


Fat Dissolving Injections For The Body



Painless high speed laser hair reduction


Talk To Us About Sculpting Beautiful Legs. Call our team: 09910912141