Skin tags are common & may occur anywhere on the body, but usually occur in areas of friction between two folds of skin. What Do They Look Like?  Skin Tags (technical name: acrochordon) are like the fuzz on your sweater, except that these are made of skin on skin. Tags are simple to remove but people often live with them or try home remedies first. This can be dangerous and carry risk of infection and complications. In a trained doctor's office this is a quick 10 minute process with clean removal of all tags.


How we remove skin tags at JUVERNE Clinic: First we use a numbing cream or solution to make the process painless. Then the doctor uses sterilized instruments with a tip the size of a ball point pen tip to transfer energy to zap the tag off. We use a surgical grade electrocautery device so there is no damage or bleeding & apply an antibiotic cream. The whole process is quick, comfy and effective. Once removed tags usually do not reappear.


Common Myths About SKIN TAGS:

1. Skin Tags occur in 'dirty' or unfit people: While obesity, PCOD and diabetes, among other conditions, increase risk of tags, these are not related to hygiene and can occur even without these precursors - during pregnancy, in thyroid imbalance or from wearing tightly fitted clothing that rubs on skin.

2. Tying the hair from a horse's tail tightly around the tag will make it fall off - This subcontinental myth has some principles right - the tying of a horse hair / dental floss / silk thread etc. tightly around the base of the tag cuts off blood supply - effectively amputating it. However there is a risk of bleeding and infection with any home remedy. Instead, rely on cautery by a doctor under aseptic conditions.